Charmed (2018) follows the lives of three half-sisters, Macy, Mel, and Maggie, who discover they are witches with unique powers. As they navigate their newfound abilities, they also face various supernatural threats, including demons and dark magic. Together, they must learn to harness their powers and work as a team to protect their loved ones and the world from evil.
Judge Claire Delval discovers that her father, Simon Delval, is involved in the corruption case she has been investigating for years. Forced to resign, his place in the Francophone Liberal Party is coveted by the discreet Mark Van Dyck
In a modern twist on the classic tale, Robyn Loxley and The Hood, a masked hip-hop band, take on the role of a modern Robin Hood as they use their music to call out injustices and fight for freedom and equality in New Nottingham.
She's Beautiful When She's Angry is a documentary that explores the women's liberation movement in the 1960s. It provides an in-depth look at the feminist activists who fought for women's rights and paved the way for future generations.
In the 70s, actress Delphine Seyrig and director Carole Roussopoulos, both militant feminists, were the pioneers of video activism in France. They documented the demonstrations of French feminists and used the new technologies to counter the poor representation of women in the public media.
Before Linda Lovelace's untimely death in 2002, the sex superstar sat for a no-holds barred interview with pop-culture historian Legs McNeil for his book, The Other Hollywood: The Uncensored Oral History of the Porn Film Industry. Fortunately McNeil hired a film crew to record the historic event as Linda recounted the making of ""Deep Throat,"" the most successful X-rated film in history, how she introduced oral sex to America, her turbulent relationship with manager/husband Chuck Traynor, her role (and exploitation by) the anti-porn movement that she helped launch with her bestselling book, Ordeal, in 1980, and her subsequent return to pornography in 2001. With additional comments by Marilyn Chambers, FBI Agent Bill Kelly, Chuck Traynor.
Radical feminist Andrea Dworkin's expose on the pornography industry.
A look behind the doors of the five-storey Paradise club in Stuttgart, exploring what life's like for sex workers and their clients in a country with some of the world's most liberal prostitution laws.
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