Tragedy Girls follows two best friends, Sadie and McKayla, who run a true crime blog. Inspired by a local serial killer, they decide to become killers themselves in order to gain notoriety and increase their social media following. As they continue their murderous spree, they form a twisted partnership and navigate the challenges of juggling their secret lives with their high school obligations. However, when they start to gain attention from the police and the media, they must outsmart the authorities and protect their bond.
The Johnsons are a model of the perfect American family. But sometimes things aren't always what they seem.
A documentary about the killing spree of Brenda Spencer, the 16-year-old schoolgirl who opened fire on a school playground in January 1979, killing two men and injuring eight children. Her only explanation of her actions was "I don't like Mondays". This incident was the first ever school shooting of its kind, and inspired the Boomtown Rats' number one hit song I Don't Like Mondays
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