In the year 2032, Tokyo, Japan is a dystopian city plagued by evil corporations and killer robots. In this post-apocalyptic future, a vigilante team of tough women known as the Knight Sabers rise up to fight against the oppressive forces. Equipped with power armor, they use their skills and unique abilities to take down the enemies of justice. With the help of advanced technology and their determination, the Knight Sabers become the city's last hope.
In the year 2040, Tokyo is plagued by an evil corporation that controls every aspect of society. A group of female mercenaries known as the Knight Sabers rise up to fight against the corporation and protect the innocent. Equipped with advanced power armor and robotic suits, they use their skills and determination to bring justice to a city on the brink of collapse.
The Hockey Girls is a TV show about a group of girls who come together to form a hockey team. They face various challenges such as dealing with their personal lives, the pressure to perform, and overcoming stereotypes. The show highlights themes of friendship, determination, and breaking barriers.
The series begins one night at the height of the bachelor party of Eyal Malka on the family yacht, one of the largest crime families in Israel. Until they board the yacht and assassinate all the men and soldiers of the family. The women of the Malka family, who lost their status and strength in one run, are thrown into a new reality in which they must struggle for their place in a masculine world that only sanctifies power. The series tells the story of the women of the family who try to stand on their feet again and restore the family business taken from them, as well as avenge the death of their loved ones.
When an eccentric professor discovers a mysterious volcanic shaft that leads to the center of the Earth, a group of adventurers join him on a thrilling expedition. As they descend deeper into the abyss, they encounter prehistoric creatures, treacherous landscapes, and must find a way to escape before the volcano erupts.
Pucked is a comedy movie about a man named Frank, who joins a women's ice hockey team to pay off his debt. As he tries to fit in with the team, Frank faces various challenges and comedic situations. With his unconventional methods, he manages to win hearts and become an important part of the team.
An awkward 6-footer teen is forced to learn and play volleyball half-heartedly when the Catholic school she transferred to did not have a basketball team. Everything changes when she meets their star player.
Vera Golubeva, a textile worker, lives in a hostel. In her spare time, she arranges the fate of her friends. Although the class is disinterested and informal, Faith comes up to him professionally: working with the press, send out wedding announcements across the Soviet Union carefully selects and grooms. Vera herself is lonely, walking at other people's weddings, forgot to dream of her own family happiness. In a purely female team of the hostel there is a new commandant Viktor Petrovich. At first, he tries to fight with the established order and close the marriage office of Faith. But soon Victor begins to realize that Faith is the very woman he sought all his life…
Ekmek Parasi – Geld fürs Brot (1994) is a documentary that explores the lives of factory workers, specifically focusing on migrant and working women in Germany during the time of German reunification. The film provides an intimate look at the struggles, challenges, and experiences of these individuals in the workplace, highlighting themes of migration, work, and the female workforce. It delves into the unique dynamics within a fish factory where a female team works together.
In this short documentary, we take a look at the history and future of roller derby in the Netherlands, while also touching on subjects such as image and the rise of men’s teams in this traditionally female sport. We tried to capture the Roller Derby culture with grungy 16mm film overlays and an eclectic mix of colors, switching from black and white, back to color. This, combined with the use of stock footage, the Whip It trailer and choice of music really help to sell the vibe and sensibilities of roller derby.
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