In this musical comedy, a sailor on shore leave in New York City pretends to be married to avoid unwanted attention. However, complications arise when he falls in love with a young dancer and is faced with an ultimatum. With mistaken identities, tap dancing, and romantic reconciliations, this Broadway musical is full of comedy and surprises.
Hit the Deck is a delightful musical comedy set in the US Navy. The story follows the misadventures of three sailors who go on shore leave in San Francisco. As they navigate through romantic entanglements and mistaken identities, they find themselves in hilarious and heartwarming situations. With catchy songs and energetic dance numbers, Hit the Deck is an entertaining and feel-good film that will leave you smiling.
Two everyday schlubs are inadvertently frozen for 120 years, awakening to a wacky future run by a robot named MAX. Pilot episode for unproduced series.
A singer finds another heir (Gene Raymond) to marry, to avoid the one (Joe Penner) her mother found.
The gang help Scotty and his grandfather after an obnoxious lunch counter owner forces them to move their lemonade stand.
A young girl named Sarah, who dreams of becoming a professional tap dancer, faces various challenges and confrontations due to racial stereotypes. Despite the obstacles, she remains determined to break the mold and prove that talent knows no boundaries.
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