Yosuga no Sora follows the story of Haruka and Sora Kasugano, twin siblings who move to the countryside after the death of their parents. They encounter various high school classmates and develop romantic relationships, including a complex and forbidden love between the brother and sister. The show explores themes of adolescence, coming-of-age, and tragedy.
Yoko is a housewife who's frustrated by her husband's lack of virility. She finds solace in erotic daydreams, the ministrations of a condom salesman and, eventually, the partner-swapping lifestyle.
When a series of murders occurs at a girls' boarding school, suspicion falls on a young woman who was attacked by a dog the night before. As the police investigate, they uncover a web of lies, blackmail, and hidden desires. Meanwhile, the real killer lurks in the shadows, ready to strike again.
In Body of Deceit, a ghostwriter finds herself caught in a dangerous game of lies and manipulation when she takes on a project for a famous author. As she delves deeper into the dark secrets of the author's life, she becomes a pawn in a deadly game with unexpected twists and turns. With themes of memory loss, romance, and betrayal, Body of Deceit will keep audiences on the edge of their seats.
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