LoliRock is an animated TV show about a magical-girl rock band called LoliRock who use their powers to fight evil and spread love. The show follows the adventures of Iris, Talia, and Auriana as they navigate friendship, love, and their responsibilities as princesses of different kingdoms. They use their magical powers and their rock-n-roll music to defeat villains and bring harmony to their world.
Nina Iseri drops out of high school and moves to Tokyo by herself. In front of the station in the suburbs of Tokyo, Nina sees Momo Kawaragi singing alone and is touched by the power of music. Nina decides to form a band with Subaru Awasu, a girl who hides her true feelings, Tomo Ebutsuka, who was abandoned by her parents, and Rupa, a lonely girl without any family...
We Are Lady Parts is a hilarious and vibrant comedy series that follows the lives of a Muslim punk rock band comprised of four distinct and fierce women. Together, they navigate the complexities of being young, British, Muslim, and female in a male-dominated music scene.
Trigger is a drama that follows the story of a female rock band and their lesbian love interests. It explores themes of love, music, and the challenges faced by women in the rock industry. The film takes place within a one-night timespan, during which the band must navigate their relationships while preparing for a rock concert. Trigger showcases the journey of a Canadian female rocker and the complexities of her personal and professional life.
After taking over a failing Miami hotel with her workaholic fiancé, Elliot, Tracy thinks Liza has seduced her better half-to-be. She then tries to have an affair of her own, and arranges for hookers to become bellhops. Meanwhile, her rich daddy hires an inept arsonist to blow up the place.
During the summer of 1977 The Runaways took the unsuspecting nation of Japan by storm becoming the fourth most popular imported musical act behind Led Zeppelin and The Beatles. Unfortunately most of the available video footage from their two month tour is of fifth or sixth generation bootleg quality.
A filmmaker tries to finish editing a movie about all-girl rock band Runaways.
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