In the small town of Connemara, Ireland, an unorthodox and witty policeman named Sergeant Gerry Boyle is assigned to investigate a drug-smuggling ring. When an uptight FBI agent Wendell Everett arrives from the United States to help with the case, the two mismatched law enforcement officers must learn to work together to solve the crime. As they delve deeper into the investigation, they uncover a web of corruption, blackmail, and violence that threatens their lives and the safety of the town. Along the way, Boyle forms an unexpected bond with a prostitute named Aoife and confronts his own prejudices and desires. Can this unlikely duo bring down the criminals and restore justice to the town?
Ellie Parker, a struggling actress in Los Angeles, goes through various comedic and dramatic situations as she tries to make a name for herself in the industry. The film satirizes the life of an aspiring actress and explores themes of narcissism, infidelity, and the challenges of pursuing a career in Hollywood.
Bad Candy is set in the fictional Halloween night of 2020. It follows local Halloween stories of both myth and lessons learned in the community of New Salem. With its annual Psychotronic FM Halloween show, re-enactment radio DJs Chilly Billy and Paul weave the tales of the supernatural of years gone by. In this small town it's a grimy ending for most, but will a few good souls survive?
John Johnson's Skeleton Key is a horror-comedy about a tabloid reporter, Howard, who in the process of covering a story on a five-legged two-headed goat comes across the town of Nilbog.
A college student convinces three couples to spend Halloween night in the house where a man murdered his family, then committed suicide.
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