Snoops is an American comedy-drama television series that aired on ABC. The series, which aired from September 26, 1999 to December 19, 1999, was created by David E. Kelley. Snoops came about during the height of Kelley's fame, with both The Practice and Ally McBeal sustaining large audiences.
Dangerous Curves is a crime series. It centers on Lise Cutter and Michael Michele, two female security guards working for a private security agency, Personal Touch, in Dallas.
Certain Fury is an action crime drama film released in 1985. It follows the story of a tough woman and a police officer who are wrongfully accused of murder and must go on the run to prove their innocence. Along the way, they encounter various obstacles and face dangerous situations as they try to clear their names.
Hero Rod Cameron kills Sheriff Sam Borden at point-blank range and in front of several witnesses in the opening of this Republic Pictures Western, released in the company's patented Trucolor system. The "killing," however, is merely a ruse set up to allow army agent Johnny Drum to infiltrate a gang of highway robbers.
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