La Belle Noiseuse is a drama film set in the French countryside. It revolves around the artistic creation of a painter and his relationship with a young female model. The film showcases the deep cleavage between the artist's inhibition and eroticism, as well as the challenges faced in the creative process. Based on a novel, this modern-day adaptation delves into the complexities of a man-woman relationship and the art of painting. With its stunning oil paintings and charcoal drawings, La Belle Noiseuse takes viewers on a provocative journey through the world of art and desire.
The Sunlit Night follows young painter Frances as she travels to Norway to work on an art project in a remote village. Along the way, she navigates her own personal journey of self-discovery, finding inspiration and new perspectives amidst the stunning landscapes of Lofoten. Through her interactions with the locals and fellow artists, Frances learns about love, loss, and the power of embracing one's true artistic self.
Hank and Mike are two Easter Bunnies who lose their jobs and struggle to find their place in the world. As they navigate through a series of hilarious and bizarre situations, they must confront issues such as sexual harassment, roommate problems, and corporate greed. With their friendship on the line, Hank and Mike must find a way to save Easter while also rediscovering themselves.
Four art students looking for a cheap place to live rent a room in an abandoned house. Little do they know, the house holds dark secrets and they soon find themselves trapped and fighting for their lives.
Lorenzo is a handsome, intelligent, charming, elegant and liberal man. All he asks for is total devotion. And Margarita, foolishly, falls in love with him…
Britnannie is the secretary at Las Vegas's premiere modeling agency, Excelsior Elite. But being surrounded by beautiful people doing scandalous things all day is taking a toll on her. So she recruits her nosy neighbor, star model Erika Elainia to get her in on the real action.
A short film co-created by Eric Rohmer.
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