Stan Lee's Lucky Man follows the story of Harry Clayton, a brilliant but troubled London detective whose life takes an unexpected turn when he comes into possession of an ancient bracelet that grants him the power to control luck. As Harry uses this newfound ability to solve crimes, he must also navigate the dangerous world of high-stakes gambling, organized crime, and corrupt officials. With the help of a mysterious woman, who may hold the key to his past, Harry faces a series of thrilling and deadly challenges that test his luck and his mettle as a detective.
In the fantasy world of Earthsea, a young wizard named Ged embarks on a journey to save the land from an ancient evil. Along the way, he must overcome personal hardships and unite a fractured world to fulfill his destiny.
Yuki Kano has it all: fame, wealth, the world at her feet. There's also something very wrong with her... from time to time, she's totally unable to sing (which, for a pop star, is not good). Enter Bosujima, a "psycho diver" with the capability to enter people's heads and straighten out what's wrong with them. Well, most of the time, anyway.
In the future, a warrior nun on roller skates must rescue a seer, who is to be sacrificed by a band of mutants.
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