Supergirl, also known as Kara Danvers, is a Kryptonian who escaped her planet's destruction and landed on Earth. She chooses to use her powers to protect the people of National City and fights against various villains and threats. Alongside her friends and allies, Supergirl battles evil while balancing her personal life as a reporter and maintaining secret identities.
Femalien 2 is a sci-fi movie that follows the story of a bipedal alien who arrives on Earth and explores various sexual encounters and human interactions. The alien engages in voyeurism, back massages, and intimate moments with both humans and other extraterrestrial beings.
In this comedy, Iris Berben plays a mysterious, supernaturally beautiful girl from another planet, who confuses and flusters the men on earth, where she has landed. The men follow her wherever she goes. Marquard Bohm is no exception here - he leaves his wife in a lurch and travels with the Supergirl to Spain. The girl doesn't tell much about herself; she reports, though, about an impending threat from outer space.
While celebrating his last night as a single man, Joe finds out that a spaceship has landed in his backyard; he tries to send back the alien to its home before his fiancée finds out.
A man and a woman from a different planet come to the Earth to get a cure for a disease that is apparently threatening to eradicate their civilisation.
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