Bunny Drop follows the life of Daikichi, a single man who takes in a mysterious six-year-old girl named Rin. Together, they navigate the ups and downs of parenthood, forming an unexpected and heartwarming bond. As Daikichi learns how to be a father, he discovers the joys and challenges of raising a child.
The Speed Cubers is a heartwarming documentary that follows the extraordinary journey of two world champion Rubik's Cube solvers. It explores their unique bond as they compete in judged competitions, overcoming challenges and forming an unlikely friendship. Through their story, the film delves into themes of fair play, alternative education, and the power of dedication.
Pushpaka Vimana is a silent comedy film about a young man who is frustrated with unemployment and accidentally swaps identities with a millionaire. He uses his newfound wealth to navigate through various comedic situations.
Part drama and part supernatural thriller, TRUE NATURE tells the story of a family reunited when their college-age daughter is found after a year-long disappearance. With no memory of what happened to her, she soon discovers that her very presence threatens to expose the secrets and fragile lies by which her family has lived.
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