In this surreal animated short film, a man narrates his life story using a series of colorful slang expressions. The film explores the comedic and poetic use of language and the various metaphors and visual puns associated with slang. The narrative takes unexpected twists and turns, ultimately culminating in a surprising and whimsical ending.
Arabian princess Dorothy Granger has all the sheiks pining for her, but she loves Hollywood singing cowboy Harry Gribbon. When she discovers Gribbon is to wed Babe Kane, Miss Granger has one of her devotees steal Gribbon's trusty steed, Trixie. Gribbon cannot wed until he recovers Trixie, so he goes in search of her. Five years later, he is in the Foreign Legion.
In this 1922 Pathe-distributed, Hal Roach silent-era comedy, the owner of a local streetcar business is in danger of losing his franchise, but the streetcar operator (played by Paul Parrott) and his girl friend (who happens to be the boss's daughter; portrayed by Jobyna Ralston) try to save the day.
Koko the clown is sent to the nut house by Max.
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