In 1957, a large alien robot crashes from orbit near the coast of Rockwell, Maine. After being rescued by a young boy named Hogarth, the Iron Giant follows him back to his house and befriends him. However, a paranoid government agent named Kent Mansley discovers evidence of the Giant and tries to track him down. Hogarth and the Giant seek help from beatnik artist Dean McCoppin and try to evade Mansley. Eventually, they are discovered by the military and attacked, leading to a climax where the Giant sacrifices himself to save the town of Rockwell.
Sniffles the mouse is in the country for a restful vacation of fresh air, enjoyment of nature, and peace and quiet.
On Christmas morning two pups and the household's children are up early. The pups are frightened by a large stuffed dog, a train set, a crying doll, a toy tank, and other toys.
After a man dons a pair of fake vampire teeth for a Halloween party, he soon comes to find that he can't take them off again.
A woman walks by a familiar alleyway, reminding her of a past that she regrets. As she walks away she suddenly is frozen in her tracks. Something part of the woman yearns for that ugly past.
Verony, a young dancer, accompanies her partner, Marte, a photographer, through his gender transition process.
Three friends went out for an adventure in the woods, they were attacked by unknown figures.
Haunted by a dark past, MARGARET falls under a deep suspicion that her cult’s escape, now nearly 12 years old, has not ended. When she left that night, something was forgotten. Something that will not go away in her tangled mind.
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