In this satirical comedy, an American naval officer stationed in London during World War II is assigned to accompany a famous, cowardly, womanizer film director to document the events leading up to D-Day. Along the way, he falls in love with a strong-willed British woman, making him question his own courage and values.
The Whole Wide World is a biographical drama that tells the story of a courtship between a teacher and a writer set in 1930s Texas. The movie explores their star-crossed lovers' relationship against a backdrop of rural setting and mental illness.
Days of Vinyl is a charming comedy that follows a group of friends who share a love for vinyl records. When one of them falls in love with a female singer, they must confront their fears of marriage and make important decisions about their lives. With the help of a producer cameo and a tribute band, the friends navigate the complexities of friendship and romance, all while rediscovering the joy of music.
The Big Day follows a man on his brother's wedding day, as he navigates through honesty, doubts, secrets, and making amends. With a hilarious twist, the movie explores the complexities of relationships and the chaos that ensues on this memorable day.
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