Talk to Me is a compelling biographical drama that tells the story of a talented radio presenter, Petey Greene, and his journey from prisoner to a renowned radio host during the 1960s-1980s in Washington, D.C. Fueled by his passion for soul music, Petey uses his platform to address important social and political issues, including the Civil Rights Movement and the Vietnam War.
In this documentary, renowned comedian interviews people on the street to discuss the usage, history, and cultural significance of the word 'fuck'. The film explores the controversy and the freedom of speech issues related to the word and its impact in society.
Shadows of Liberty is a powerful documentary that investigates the corruption and erosion of independent journalism in America. This thought-provoking film reveals the corporate control, government censorship, and conflicts of interest that have plagued the media industry.
In 1982, a radio station in Long Island, New York defied the mainstream by playing new wave music. This documentary tells the story of how the station became a beacon for music lovers and the impact it had on the local community.
A frustrated radio DJ takes to the streets of Manhattan during the Republican National Convention after the FCC has slapped his station with $1 million in indecency fines, and popular radio personality Joe Pace (Josh Hamilton) isn't going down without a fight. As the streets fill with restless republicans, angry protestors, and other colorful characters, Joe arms himself with a wireless microphone and a portable transmitter in order to get the opinions of the average person on the street.
Pirate Radio USA is a documentary that explores the world of pirate broadcasting in the United States. It delves into the history, challenges, and impact of independent media outlets defying regulations and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). The film focuses on the influence of pirate radio stations in Seattle, Washington during the World Trade Organization (WTO) protests and their role in promoting alternative voices and viewpoints. Pirate Radio USA also showcases the ingenious use of miniature sets and microradio technology by these radio rebels.
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