Nitram is a gripping crime thriller that delves into the harrowing account of a real-life massacre that took place in Port Arthur, Australia. Set in the 1990s, the film explores the events leading up to the tragedy and its devastating aftermath. With powerful performances and a haunting narrative, Nitram exposes the dark depths of human nature and raises important questions about gun control and societal issues.
The Sunlit Night follows young painter Frances as she travels to Norway to work on an art project in a remote village. Along the way, she navigates her own personal journey of self-discovery, finding inspiration and new perspectives amidst the stunning landscapes of Lofoten. Through her interactions with the locals and fellow artists, Frances learns about love, loss, and the power of embracing one's true artistic self.
A law school graduate, Kennedy Blaine, inherits a horse ranch in Nebraska after her father's funeral. She must decide whether to sell the ranch or stay and live a new life. While exploring her options, she finds herself caught in a love triangle and uncovers some dark secrets about the town's historical society.
Sela Ward stars as beautiful, vulnerable heiress Sarah Hardy, recently wed and returning to her isolated childhood home, The Pines, to claim her vast inheritance. But something – or someone – evil waits there for her. It could be real. Or imagined. Whatever it is , it wants to drive Sarah into madness. And on the other side of madness lies murder. Featuring a tour de force performances by Morgan Fairchild and Polly Bergen, The Haunting of Sarah Hardy is sheer gothic suspense at its most wicked.
Love Letters is a romantic drama movie about a love story that unfolds through a series of letters exchanged by two individuals. The film explores themes of unrequited love, broken relationships, and the power of written words to connect people. Set in the backdrop of the late 1990s, Love Letters takes viewers on an emotional journey filled with passion, heartache, and longing.
A man and woman begin a complex affair over 72 hours in a Las Vegas penthouse, where the repercussions of actions uncover layers, and neither life will ever be the same again.
Leo, an heir to the throne, becomes fascinated with the lives of his black neighbors and their cultural clash. He is forced into prostitution, leading to a satire on society and a cultural critique.
After her father's funeral, Joan becomes entangled in a gambling syndicate, leading to deception, marital infidelity, and a high-stakes game of chance.
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