Clock Cleaners is a hilarious animated short film that follows Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, and Goofy as they work to clean a clock tower. However, their cleaning efforts quickly turn into a series of comedic mishaps and slapstick moments, resulting in chaos and laughter.
When an unknown assailant preys on a haunted hotel's patrons, an event planner teams up with a mysterious tenant who's dark past is the key to freeing the cursed hotel.
In this enchanting fantasy movie, two young siblings set out on a quest to find the Blue Bird of Happiness. Along the way, they encounter various challenges and magical beings, learning valuable life lessons and discovering the true meaning of happiness.
The first Olympics, starring Hercules (looking, but not quite sounding, like a really pumped-up Bluto), who challenges anyone to do the same feats as him. Popeye takes that challenge, of course. First, they battle animals, with Bluto pulling the skins off two wild elephants and Popeye turning three lions into a nesting set. The discus throw doesn't go well, with Herc's disc swooping Popeye into Herc's hand. The javelin is even worse for Popeye, with Herc throwing him all the way to the moon. This gives him a chance to go after Olive in typical Bluto fashion; her cries of help reach Popeye, who prays to the Greek goddess Spinachia, who delivers a can of spinach to him.
Scrappy does not want to get up and go to school. As the days peel off his calendar, the holidays come to life, personified. Father Time takes Scrappy on a tour through Holiday Land.
Interviews with the legendary figures from "The Santa Clause 2" - Mother Nature, the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny, Father Time, Sandman, and Cupid ...
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