Intruders is a supernatural horror thriller that follows the story of a 12-year-old girl who is haunted by an intruder. As she tries to uncover the truth behind the mysterious figure, she must confront her darkest fears and protect herself and her family. With a combination of suspense, horror, and supernatural elements, Intruders keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.
In Timescape, a grieving husband discovers a time-traveling device that allows him to go back in time and save his daughter's life. As he navigates through different timelines, he encounters a time cop, his future self, and a series of surreal events. With a low-budget production, Timescape combines mystery and sci-fi elements to create a suspenseful and psychotronic film.
LUZ is a movie that explores the life of a bisexual man who finds himself in prison and embarks on a journey of self-discovery. It delves into themes of sexuality, relationships, and personal growth within the confines of a prison environment.
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