In a distant future, Duke Leto Atreides leads a group of desert warriors in a rebellion against the galactic emperor and his father's enemy, the Harkonnens, to liberate their desert planet Arrakis from the emperor's control. With the help of the Fremen, a nomadic people living on Arrakis, Leto's son Paul Atreides rises as a messiah figure and fulfills the prophecy of the Kwisatz Haderach. As Paul and his allies fight against the emperor and the Harkonnens, they must face betrayal, political intrigue, and their own fears. Ultimately, Paul becomes the new ruler and brings peace to the galaxy.
The Speed Cubers is a heartwarming documentary that follows the extraordinary journey of two world champion Rubik's Cube solvers. It explores their unique bond as they compete in judged competitions, overcoming challenges and forming an unlikely friendship. Through their story, the film delves into themes of fair play, alternative education, and the power of dedication.
In The Window, a 9-year-old boy witnesses a murder in an abandoned building while watching through a window. He becomes trapped in the apartment and must find a way to escape while the murderer tries to dispose of the evidence and kidnap the boy.
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