In the movie Convergence (2017), a series of strange and inexplicable events unfold, causing chaos and violence in their wake. As the plot unfolds, we witness a convergence of different storylines and characters, all connected by a common thread of mystery and intrigue. From severed tongues to bound and gagged victims, the movie takes viewers on a suspenseful and thrilling journey that explores themes of faith, torture, and allegory.
Alex decides to have an affair with a woman named Linda while he is on business in New Orleans. When he returns home to his wife and child, he is surprised to find that his wife has hired the off-kilter homewrecker as a nanny to their baby. Alex must find a way to stay cool and not let his wife know the true identity and intentions of Linda.
In a dystopian future, the last human is raised by a machine. He struggles with the loneliness of no human interaction and questions the teachings of a mysterious religious 'Manual' which the machine claims is holy.
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