In this dark comedy crime thriller, car salesman Jerry Lundegaard hires two men to kidnap his wife in order to get a ransom from his wealthy father-in-law. However, their plan quickly unravels due to their own incompetence and the relentless pursuit of the pregnant police officer Marge Gunderson. Set in small-town Minnesota, this film explores themes of greed, deception, and unintended consequences.
A young doctor rejects his older outlaw brother Johnny who put him through medical school by dubious means. The brothers find themselves on opposite sides of a range war between homesteaders and a crooked cattleman.
A collection of cast interviews and behind-the-scenes clips from the Coen brother's Academy Award-winning film Fargo.
High school student Dana moves to the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles after her North Dakota parents get divorced and falls in with the wrong crowd.
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