Death Note follows a high school student named Light Yagami who discovers a mysterious notebook known as the Death Note. With the power to kill anyone whose name is written in it, Light sets out to rid the world of criminals and create a utopia. However, his actions draw the attention of a brilliant detective known as L, leading to a thrilling game of cat and mouse
In the 24th century, Duck Dodgers and his hilarious crew embark on space adventures to save humanity from alien attacks and comically parody science fiction tropes.
In the year 2021, a group of genetically modified dogs set out on a thrilling space adventure. They travel through the galaxy in a spaceship, encountering aliens, monsters, and cosmic wonders along the way. With their human astronaut companion, they must save the Earth from impending doom. This animated TV show is a fantastical mix of action, adventure, and science-fiction, perfect for the whole family.
The Sharkpack gets ready for Halloween with the spooky legend of the "Fearsome Fog" — and Sharkdog must save trick-or-treating from a slimy sea monster!
“Jo Mi Ryo” is a drama about Mi Ryo who escapes city life and goes to the island of Anbin for a month to heal from reality. At the island, she sets up a restaurant called Mi Ryo’s Kitchen. The drama will depict diverse island life that is not completely leisurely and relaxed.
Haunted by an inner conflict, a driven artist, along with her gentle and emphatic daughter, returns to her childhood home to finally make peace with herself and her past. Once there, however, she loses herself in a long-forgotten world.
Fèlix is a farmer who lives in the quiet vineyards of the Catalan Penedès. One day, he receives a visit from his grandfather, an old wizard, who asks him for help. Fèlix's sister, Sara, has been kidnapped by the dark wizards who live in the castle of the Sant Cebrià’s mountain. She will be sacrificed to the evil Wizard King Morden, who thousands of years ago was imprisoned by Fèlix's grandfather in that castle. Being Fèlix the only one able to save Sara, he will arm himself with his grandfather's ancient stick; he will walk to the wizards' castle and will cope with Morden.
Teresa has a frayed relationship with her girlfriend Veronica. Teresa's attempts to stay close to her are thwarted, which will lead Teresa to make a decision that will completely change their lives.
500 years into the future, the earth is a dry wasteland destroyed by humans. Doctor Alma, a fluffy, brilliant Vulkeet (a cross between a parakeet and vulture) who drives a Vespa, must cure the only creatures left who can save the world by bringing back the rain - the bizarre and loveable Homeys who have fallen ill with a mysterious sickness.
In this modern film, Elias, tired of his life, tries to kill himself, but wakes up in a house in Cannes where he meets Arthur, a man hiding from the mafia. Despite having nothing in common and not speaking the same language, they become friends and navigate their contrasting lifestyles together.
An entity gives a hopeless man a peculiar gift: a TV remote that allows him to enter the device, turning it into his own dimension. Within this VHS universe, he falls in love with a cliché soap opera character and tries to seduce her. However, his violent nature is revealed, causing the young woman to flee through the recorded programs until she reaches the real world. Do not overwrite the tape.