Lavatory Lovestory is a heartwarming animated short film about a middle-aged, unkempt lavatory attendant who spends her days cleaning and daydreaming in the public restroom. One day, she discovers a tip jar filled with flowers and becomes intrigued by the person leaving them. Through a series of encounters, she develops a secret admirer relationship with a stranger who captures her heart. The film beautifully explores themes of loneliness, hope, and unexpected connections.
Zinon is a successful fashion designer but he has family problems. His wife, his children and his parents-in law are too abusive and uncaring. Everything changes when the police starts looking for a serial killer who is identical to Zinon.
In a series of life events, a group of young adults expressed their love, desires, and secrets in ways they didn't imagine they could.
In the short film 'Disappear,' a magician with the power to make objects vanish experiences loneliness and longing as he obsesses over the frozen memories of his past. Using stop-motion animation, the film explores themes of memory, fantasy, and the human desire to escape.
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