In a futuristic colony, a man named Lincoln Six Echo begins to question the rigid control over his life when his friend is selected to go to the last uncontaminated place on Earth, known as the Island. As he starts to uncover the truth, he realizes there is more to his existence than he thought.
In Mortdecai, an eccentric art dealer and part-time rogue must race against time to recover a stolen painting that holds the code to a bank account with Nazi gold. Along the way, he encounters gangsters, secret agents, and a beautiful woman who complicates his mission.
The Man from Earth: Holocene is a sequel to the 2007 film 'The Man from Earth.' It follows the story of John Oldman, a man who claims to be a prehistoric immortal being. As his secret is threatened to be exposed, he must confront the consequences of his immortality and navigate through philosophical and ethical dilemmas. The movie explores themes of identity, mortality, and the nature of humanity.
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