The Ambition of Oda Nobuna is a historical anime TV show set in the Sengoku period. The story follows a young man named Yoshiharu Sagara who magically time-travels to this era. In this alternate reality, famous historical figures of the period are all young women. Yoshiharu becomes a member of the Oda clan and assists Oda Nobuna, a young female version of Oda Nobunaga, in her quest for power and ambition. As Yoshiharu familiarizes himself with the Sengoku period, he must navigate through the political and military landscapes while facing various challenges and battles.
An amateur historian, Philippa Langley, defies the stodgy academic establishment in her relentless efforts to discover the lost remains of King Richard III, which had been buried beneath a carpark in Leicester for over 500 years. Her determination challenges the skepticism of experts and academics, forcing them to reevaluate the controversial king's place in England's history.
Muhammad: The Messenger of God is a movie based on the life of Prophet Muhammad and the rise of Islam. The film showcases his journey from being a messenger of God to establishing the religion of Islam.
World War II revisionist film that claims Jews deliberately caused both World Wars--and that Hitler was only trying to save Germany from the Jews--as part of a plot to found the nation of Israel.
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