Annette is a surreal and musical drama that follows the story of a stand-up comedian named Henry McHenry. Henry falls in love with a mysterious girl named Ann, and they have a passionate and turbulent relationship. As their lives intertwine, Henry's career as a comedian takes off while Ann's tragic death leads to a murder trial. The story explores themes of love, loss, fame, and the dark side of celebrity.
A look at the romance between famed country musicians George Jones and Tammy Wynette.
In 1980s Spain, TV and movie star Bárbara Rey and circus personality Ángel Cristo fell for each other. This is the tale of their tumultuous relationship.
Allen v. Farrow is a TV show that delves into the controversial allegations of sexual abuse against renowned filmmaker Woody Allen and the consequent effects on his family. The series examines the evidence surrounding the accusations, the dynamics within the family, and the broader societal implications of discussing such sensitive subjects.
Confined in a mansion in Sao Paulo, couples will have to face trials of endurance, skill and reasoning and, of course, test how much one knows the other. In the end, only the strongest couple with the best knowledge of themselves will win the competition.
A look at the lives of 19th-century composers Clara and Robert Schumann.
Liz & Dick is a movie based on the true story of the tumultuous relationship between Hollywood icons Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton. The film explores their love affair, multiple marriages, scandals, and the trials and tribulations they faced both personally and professionally. Set against the backdrop of the glamorous world of Hollywood in the 1960s and 1970s, Liz & Dick takes viewers on a journey through the highs and lows of this famous couple's lives.
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