Benidorm is a hilarious comedy TV show that follows the lives and adventures of the staff and guests at a popular resort in Benidorm, Spain. With an ensemble cast and plenty of comedic moments, the show explores various comedic situations and relationships in a holiday setting.
Return to Nim's Island follows the story of a young girl named Nim who must save her island and its wildlife from being destroyed by poachers. With the help of her animal friends and her own bravery, she embarks on a dangerous journey to rescue a trapped sea lion and stop the poachers from hurting any more animals. Along the way, she discovers the power of friendship and the importance of protecting the environment.
Boy is a movie about a young boy who escapes from his abusive father and sets off on a journey to find his real mother. Along the way, he encounters various challenges and experiences that shape his understanding of the world and himself.
Michael (Jeff Bridges) drops out of college with the intention of finding himself. When his parents (Carl Betz and Vera Miles) balk, he talks them into joining him in traveling the country and educating themselves about the state of things. They, along with Grandma (Ruth McDevitt) trick out an old Greyhound bus and hit the road. The picaresque plotline brings the family into contact with a variety of colorful characters. The producers of In Search of America never declared outright that the made-for-TV film was intended as a series pilot, but it ends on an ambiguous note with plenty of loose plot ends. In Search of America was first telecast March 23, 1971.
A family decides to visit their clan God to cure their daughter, believed to be possessed but in fact is in love with a man from a different caste. The journey accompanied by her betrothed, unveils tensions between tradition and personal freedom, exposing her silent rebellion.
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