Kurup (2021) is a biographical crime movie that unfolds the gripping tale of Sukumara Kurup, a criminal mastermind from Kerala, India. Inspired by a true story, the film revolves around Kurup's audacious plan to stage his own death and deceive the police and insurance companies. The plot takes a thrilling turn as the investigation uncovers a web of murder, deception, and family crime. As Kurup remains in hiding, the boundaries between truth and masquerade blur, leaving everyone wondering if justice will ever prevail.
In a village in the mountains of Urbión, brothers John and Martin, driven by greed and abetted by Candelas, Martin's wife, kill his father and sink the body in the Black Lagoon. His wife and one daughter of the victim does not know anything. In the village would get missing. However, from now weigh a curse on the land for which they have committed the crime, predicting each year misfortunes and bad harvests.
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