Titans follows the adventures of a group of young superheroes as they come together to fight crime and discover their true identities and powers. Based on the DC Comics Teen Titans, the show explores themes of friendship, self-discovery, and family. As they face various villains and navigate the challenges of being teenage superheroes, the team learns the importance of acceptance and teamwork.
Pose takes place in 1980s New York City during the height of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. It follows the lives of LGBTQ+ individuals, particularly those in the ball culture scene. The show explores themes of found family, acceptance, and self-expression through voguing and dance.
After one of their shoplifting sessions, Osamu and his son come across a little girl in the freezing cold. At first reluctant to shelter the girl, Osamu's wife agrees to take care of her after learning of the hardships she faces. Although the family is poor, barely making enough money to survive through petty crime, they seem to live happily together until an unforeseen incident reveals hidden secrets and tests the bonds that unite them.
With his life back East upended, a young man escapes to the electric anonymity of Las Vegas. When an intriguing offer puts him on an unexpected path, he learns how easily things left unresolved find a way of forcing their own resolution.
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