Set in the 19th century during the Industrial Revolution, Cranford follows the lives of the residents of a small English town. The arrival of the railroad and the changing social and economic landscape disrupt their traditional way of life, leading to class differences and conflicts. The series explores themes of love, friendship, and the challenges faced by the townspeople as they navigate the evolving world around them.
When a college student decides to conduct an experiment by spreading rumors, the consequences become increasingly dangerous and unpredictable.
A 17-year-old high-school senior marries a 20-something law student who works as a waiter. Who said marriage was bliss?
In order to retrieve Heavenly Realm’s treasure, Goddess Wu Shuang descends to earth to assassinate Yuan Zhong, the high priest of Youhu Clan. In the process, Wu Shuang discovers other secrets, and the two fall in love and join hands to save the world.
Micky Love, a quiz show host, becomes the target of a false rumor that could ruin his career. To make matters worse, a young and ambitious rival emerges, leading to a drastic and desperate measure taken by Micky Love to reclaim his position as a television host.
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