Once Upon a Time is a TV show that tells the story of Emma Swan, a young woman who is drawn into a town called Storybrooke, where the residents are actually characters from various fairy tales and folklore. As Emma uncovers the truth about her own identity and the curse that binds all the inhabitants, she must navigate the complexities of love, family, and the battle between good and evil.
In a world where dreams can be infiltrated, a skilled thief is hired to plant an idea in a target's subconscious mind.
A military veteran with memory loss wakes up at a mysterious facility and tries to uncover the truth about her past while being pursued by sinister forces.
In a dystopian future, a blade runner is tasked with hunting down and killing four replicants who have escaped from space and returned to Earth. As he tracks them, he discovers their desire to meet their creator. The story explores themes of identity, humanity, and the blurred lines between artificial and real.
When a man goes in to have virtual vacation memories of the planet Mars implanted in his mind, an unexpected and harrowing series of events forces him to go to the planet for real - or is he? In a dystopian future, Douglas Quaid, a construction worker, visits a company called Rekall to have memories of a vacation on Mars implanted in his mind. However, the procedure goes wrong, and Quaid discovers that he may already have a secret life as a rebel agent. As he embarks on a journey to uncover the truth, he meets allies, encounters enemies, and becomes entangled in a battle against a villainous ruler. Quaid must navigate through a dangerous and complex world filled with betrayal, rebellion, and a fight for freedom.
Leonard Shelby, a man with short-term memory loss, devotes his life to finding and killing his wife's murderer. He tracks down clues and tattoos them on his body to help him remember. He discovers that the second attacker was not who he thought, leading to an ultimate twist ending. The movie explores themes of memory, identity, and deception.
In a futuristic colony, a man named Lincoln Six Echo begins to question the rigid control over his life when his friend is selected to go to the last uncontaminated place on Earth, known as the Island. As he starts to uncover the truth, he realizes there is more to his existence than he thought.
After being diagnosed with terminal cancer, billionaire Damian Hale undergoes a procedure called "shedding" that transfers his consciousness into a new body. As he starts a new life, he experiences vivid hallucinations and discovers that the company behind the procedure may not be telling the truth. Damian embarks on a journey to uncover the secrets of shedding and protect the lives of those he cares about. Along the way, he encounters a mysterious woman, confronts his own mortality, and ultimately finds redemption.
Douglas Quaid, a factory worker, visits a company called Rekall that implants fake memories. During the procedure, he discovers that he has real memories of being a spy and escapes. He then learns about a plot to invade the Colony and must recover a code from his memory with the help of the Resistance. Along the way, he meets a woman from his dreams, fights against the police, and ultimately defeats the villain and his forces.
Session 9 follows a crew of asbestos removers who are hired to clean up an abandoned mental hospital. As they work on the job, tensions rise and the group starts to experience strange occurrences. The dark history of the hospital and the mental illness of one of the crew members add to the psychological horror. As the days go by, the line between reality and madness becomes blurred, leading to a shocking and terrifying climax.
Calum Lynch explores the memories of his ancestor, Aguilar de Nerha, an Assassin from the 15th-century. He gains the skills of a Master Assassin and takes on the Templar society in a battle for control over free will.
Former tennis pro Lee Goon had his career cut short by a devastating injury, plunging him into despair. Desperate for relief, he turns to a psychiatric tool called the "memory eraser," which allows him to reset his life and regain his confidence. However, the tool plants false memories in Goon's mind, making him believe that his psychiatrist, Kyung Joo Yeon, is his first love. Will meddling with memories lead Goon and Joo Yeon into further trouble, or will it inadvertently spark a lasting romance?
In the year 2038, a man named George is haunted by the death of his wife, with whom he worked on creating advanced AI. As he struggles with grief and isolation, George creates an android replica of his wife using her memories. However, he soon discovers a hidden truth about his wife's death and the corporation they worked for. With the help of a security drone and a talking computer, George embarks on a journey to uncover the truth. Along the way, he faces his own mortality, confronts the ethical implications of artificial intelligence, and ultimately faces a surprise ending.
Anna, a 16-year-old girl, has psychic powers and is haunted by false memories. She becomes the prime suspect in a murder case and must use her telepathic abilities to solve the mystery and clear her name. As she delves deeper into the investigation, she uncovers a web of manipulation and discovers the truth about her own past.
Maps to the Stars is a dark comedy-drama that delves into the lives of dysfunctional Hollywood celebrities, tackling themes such as incest, narcissism, mental illness, and the destructive nature of fame. The story follows a group of interconnected characters as they navigate the chaotic world of celebrity culture, driven by their desires for fame, success, and validation.
In the 23rd century, a cargo ship travels through space carrying precious cargo. The crew, composed of a female protagonist and a man, faces loneliness and challenges in their journey. As they encounter a space station, they discover dark secrets and must confront death, betrayal, and a conspiracy that puts humanity in jeopardy.
In America Latina, a devoted family man experiences amnesia and descends into madness, leading to a series of hallucinations and false memories. As he struggles to piece together his identity, he becomes entangled in a web of mystery and thriller, involving a kidnapped girl, schizophrenia, and the search for truth.
MirrorMask is a fantasy film about a young girl named Helena who works for her family's circus. One night, she wishes that her mother would become ill so that she can take her place in the circus. However, her mother does become ill and Helena is transported to a fantasy world called the Dark Lands. In order to return home, she must find the MirrorMask, a powerful artifact that can save the kingdom from an evil queen. Along the way, she encounters strange creatures, navigates through mystical landscapes, and discovers the power of her own imagination.
In 20th Century Boys 3: Redemption, the identity of the friend who saved the world as a child is revealed. The group of friends must confront their past and face a new threat to save the world once again.
In a dystopian future, a man wakes up with no memory and discovers that he is being controlled by a powerful corporation. As he uncovers the truth about his past, he teams up with a group of resistance fighters to take down the corporation and free the world from their control. Along the way, he faces deception, betrayal, and dangerous enemies who will stop at nothing to protect the corporation's secrets.