Our Wife (1931) is a comedy short film that follows the chaotic events of an overweight woman's wedding day. From getting stuck in a window to falling down a staircase, the bride-to-be faces numerous comical mishaps. With a disapproving father, a clumsy butler, and a mischievous housefly, the film is filled with hilarious moments that will keep you entertained from start to finish.
Too Many Mammas is a comedy short film that follows the mishaps and comedic misunderstandings of a man caught in a web of deception and chaos. From mistaken identities to unexpected encounters, this film takes viewers on a rollercoaster of laughter in just 500 characters.
A woman, affectionately called Blondie by her husband, hires a cook called Blondie by both her boyfriends. When all five end up in the house at the same time, romantic complications ensue.
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