Night of the Living Dead: Re-Animation (2012) tells the story of a zombie apocalypse and follows a group of survivors as they fight to stay alive. The movie explores themes of death, survival, and the horrors of the undead. With the help of various weapons like pistols, shotguns, and shovels, the survivors attempt to navigate through a graveyard filled with zombies. Along the way, they encounter graveyards, open graves, refrigerators, coffins, and cameras. Will they be able to escape the clutches of the flesh-eating creatures?
The Notorious Landlady follows the story of a landlady who gets caught up in a series of comedic and mysterious events. From stolen jewelry to diplomatic passports, she finds herself in over her head as she tries to navigate through a web of deception. With unexpected twists and turns, this madcap comedy keeps audiences guessing until the very end.
Heavens Above! (1963) is a satirical comedy about a well-meaning and naïve vicar who becomes the head of a wealthy suburban church. As he tries to implement radical changes and help the community, he is met with resistance and finds himself caught in a web of absurd situations. From mistaken identity to impersonating a priest, the vicar finds himself in hilarious and chaotic circumstances that highlight the naivety and challenges of trying to make a difference.
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