Set in the Russian Jewish community of Brighton Beach, Brooklyn, the movie follows a hitman named Joshua who returns to his hometown after years away. He is tasked with killing a rival gang member, but his family becomes involved, leading to tragic consequences.
In the Italian countryside, a group of friends playfully explore an abandoned building where they stumble upon a deep hole. One of the boys, Michele, discovers a kidnapped child trapped in the hole and becomes torn between helping him and the potential dangers that come with it. As he investigates further, Michele uncovers a terrifying secret that puts his own life and the lives of those around him at risk.
The Life of Jesus is a powerful portrayal of the life and struggles of Jesus, focusing on themes of love, prejudice, and racial tension. It delves into the challenges Jesus faces as he navigates an interracial relationship amidst a backdrop of hatred and intolerance. The movie explores the themes of prejudice, racism, and the power of love to overcome adversity.
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