One Fine Day is a heartwarming film that follows the lives of Melanie and Jack, two divorced parents who are struggling to balance their careers and their responsibilities as single parents. When their children miss a school field trip, Melanie and Jack are forced to work together to take care of their kids for the day. As they navigate the challenges of parenting, they also discover a growing attraction between them. Will they be able to overcome their differences and seize the opportunity for love? Find out in this charming and funny movie.
Wish You follows the journey of a talented singer-songwriter who falls in love with a music producer while navigating the challenges of the entertainment industry and facing the disapproval of his parents.
It's Still Your Bed is a heartwarming drama/romance short film about a college student returning home to his family farm for the summer break. As he navigates his relationships with his father, his newfound roommate, and his own sexuality, he discovers the importance of self-acceptance and the power of love.
Two college students fall in love one year before graduation and have bright futures ahead until one of them develops schizophrenia.
Waitress and animal lover, Molly Bishop is desperate for a holiday miracle. Broke and needing major car repairs, she's counting on a big career opportunity to come through before the holidays - without using her family's name to get there. But when handsome cafe regular and do-gooder Aiden Ford starts to meddle in her life, Molly will have to figure out if it's too much or just the holiday miracle she needed.
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