Alone Together is a hilarious comedy TV show that explores the unlikely friendship between a socially awkward guy and a misfit woman. They navigate through life in Los Angeles, dealing with their individual insecurities, societal pressures, and their desire to fit in. Despite their differences, they find solace in each other's company and develop a strong bond.
Faces of Death is a notorious documentary that showcases some of the most shocking and disturbing footage of death and violence ever captured on camera. It has sparked debates about the ethics of filming and distributing such content, as well as the line between documentary and fiction. The film includes scenes of executions, autopsies, cannibalism, and other gruesome acts, some of which are staged and some of which are real.
Dreamer Danny Reed's life is turned upside down when he is struck by lightning and wakes to find himself trapped in a woman's body. Instead of being a scruffy DIY store worker with no prospects, he has now swapped lives with glamorous female fashion journalist Veronica Burton. Danny suddenly must learn how to walk in stilettos and put on a bra, deal with the amorous advances of Veronica's boyfriend Jay and pass himself off as a fashion expert while also finding out what has happened to his old self.
Faces of Death IV is a shocking and controversial documentary that explores the relationship between documentary and fiction. It includes both real and staged scenes of death, daring stunts, and water-skiing accidents. The film blurs the lines between reality and fiction, making it a true daredevil of a documentary.
Mixes documentary interviews of memories of lesbian adolescence with the story of the 12-year-old girl Lou discovering her sexuality in 1960s America.
The circus is in town and for one day only. By pretending to be sick some of the gang members were able to play hooky from school so as to attend the festivities.
On an obscure chat site, Jeff pretends to be an SM mistress who’s looking for a sister to her slave Julie. That way Jeff manages to gain the trust of his victims and lure them to his flat, where a gruesome fate awaits them.
Charilaos Maraziotis owns a store and owes so much money both to his lenders and to the state, that he is in danger of going to jail. He decides to pretend to be a psychopath and is sent to an asylum. His lenders, upon hearing the news about his mental health, change their attitude towards him and release him from his debts.
Accomplished playwright supervises the stage rehearsals for his new play away from home. He rents a room at a private house, which is owned by mother and daughter. Wiktor gets entangled in the two women's bizarre relationship.
A mockumentary from directors Alan and Jeanne Abel. The film uses "cut-ups" of Nixon quotes to tell a different narrative of his presidency.
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