In 2001, a man embarks on a road trip to uncover the dark secrets of his past, leading him to a small town haunted by the ghost of his parents. He discovers a stolen child and a sinister doctor conducting torturous experiments. As he delves deeper into the mystery, he uncovers a web of political persecution and family secrets.
A respectable, married gent has made up a passel of stories to cover for his fifteen years of frequent pleasure trips to the city. One weekend, one of his city friends meets his daughter in her home town and all his lies and cover stories start unraveling.
In Evergreen, a maid goes to great lengths to protect her son, who she poses as a member of nobility. This leads to a series of public stunts, trials, and theatrical productions, all while a judge and a lawyer try to uncover the truth. With singing, dancing, and plenty of humor, the truth is revealed in a dramatic confession during a grand banquet.
Uuno Turhapuro's son gets involved in a hilarious series of events after he is mistaken as someone else's fake son by a criminal gang. He must navigate through a web of deceit, archive footage, and absurd situations to escape their clutches.
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