The Johnson clan returns for this heartfelt yuletide drama that finds the individual family members struggling with a surfeit of issues. While the conceited Sam obnoxiously flaunts his success before brother Robert, Robert himself grapples with alcoholism. Meanwhile, Candy shocks the more traditional family members by inviting her vegan boyfriend to dinner, and Aunt Michelle buckles beneath the weight of loneliness and prays aloud for a man to come into her life. These events and others all add up to a bittersweet mixture of humor and pathos, laced with Christian sentiments.
Twenty year-old Gwen's recent conversion to Christianity causes a conflict between her and her "party girl" best friend. There's tension at home as well. Gwen's mom is fighting a serious addiction to pain killers, and her dad, a tough corporate lawyer, has just taken the civil suit case against the owner's of her new church. Gwen's nurturing kindness helps heal all those around who "thirst" for unconditional love and acceptance.
The Johnson Family is back! Christmas is upon us and as the family comes together many spirits will be lifted and lives renewed. Family conflicts erupt again and major drama ensues. This time around Mom and Dad are experiencing the baby-boomers crunch, Dad isn t sure he will have enough money for retirement and Mom wants to help. Alex and her husband Sam have opened their new restaurant and busine
A college student may or may not be the second coming of Christ.
A youth group with a reputation for mediocrity, struggles to plan and execute a youth revival at their church. Will they prove that they are capable of doing the extraordinary for Jesus Christ? Or will they crumble under the pressure and prove the naysayers right?
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