A seemingly ordinary girl finds her way into the eponymous Academy to explore the world of fairy tales, imagination and creativity. With the help of a crazy, talented teacher, she develops her unique abilities and also stumbles upon a clue that will help her unravel the biggest secret of the family...
In a magic world filled with fairy tale characters, a warrior is tasked with bringing light to a kingdom engulfed by darkness.
A young girl and her boyfriend must save Toyland from an evil banker who wants to foreclose on their toy factory. Along the way, they encounter fairy tale characters, crossdressing, and a host of other whimsical adventures.
Follow the journey of an orphan girl as she ventures into a magical world of Toyland, filled with singing toys, mischievous goblins, and a romantic misunderstanding. With the help of her friends, she must overcome her fears and save Toyland from the clutches of a villainous plot.
Sinister Squad is a fantasy action comedy movie about a group of villains who are recruited to save the world from an evil force. Through a series of comedic and action-packed events, the squad battles against the forces of darkness and discovers the true power of unity. With elements of parody and fantasy, this movie is filled with humor, action, and adventure.
A tyrannical landlady in Hemet, California lords it over her tenants, pitting them against each other in a web of paranoia spun for deadly results.
A young girl goes on adventure of a lifetime when she uncovers her family's magical roots, through a surprise invitation to an academy for magic!
Marionette puppet version of the tale about a little man who grants a miller's daughter the gift of spinning straw into gold.
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