Zootopia is a city like no other. In this bustling metropolis, animals of all species live together in harmony. When Judy Hopps, a determined bunny, becomes the first-ever rabbit to join the police force, she quickly realizes that it's not easy being a small animal in a big city. However, her dreams of making a difference are soon put to the test when she teams up with Nick Wilde, a sly fox who is falsely accused of a crime. Together, they uncover a sinister plot that could tear Zootopia apart and challenge the ideals of equality and acceptance. As they race against time to solve the mystery, Judy and Nick must confront their own biases and overcome the stereotypes that society has placed upon them. With their unique skills and unlikely partnership, they strive to prove that anyone, no matter their size or species, can make a difference.
Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson investigate a series of murders in a small town. They must uncover the truth behind the crimes and catch the killer before more lives are lost.
St. Augustine, Florida, 1969. An eight-year-old boy's wish to see the fireworks from atop the city's lighthouse is complicated by his odd neighbors, abusive peers, and hopeless parents. The young boy's seemingly simple goal develops into a struggle in which his life, both internal and corporeal, hangs in the balance
An airliner makes a forced landing at night in the desert. The passengers and crew take refuge in a nearby deserted house. Soon some of the passengers are found murdered, and one of the passengers reveals himself to be a detective who was guarding one of the murdered passengers, who was carrying a bag of diamonds--which is now missing. The detective must find out which of the passengers is the killer.
The Graffiti Artist follows Nick, a teenage graffiti artist in Seattle who forms an unexpected bond with Jesse, a homeless gay man. Their unlikely friendship explores themes of identity, art, and acceptance.
Max goes on a date with another guy, Tadas, whom he met online. Max feels uncomfortable and timid so Tadas decides to act on his own initiative. He tries to get to know Max as they embark on a night ride around the city but Max is evasive to talk about himself. Max feels torn between his feelings and Tadas' pressure. Eventually he breaks down and reveals his true identity.
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