Anatolian Eagles is an action-packed movie set in Konya, Turkey. The film revolves around the lives of pilots flying F-14 and F-16 planes, showcasing their bravery and the challenges they face. Among the pilots, a beautiful love story unfolds between a soldier and his girlfriend. The movie highlights the importance of patriotism and the love for their country, with stunning aerial shots and realistic action sequences.
Ricky is a ten-year-old daydreamer and expert on his computer flight simulator program. While on a cross-country flight for a school field trip, Ricky gets the uneasy feeling that his plane is about to be hijacked!
A pizza delivery guy, Bram, gets involved in the dangerous world of Mafia after witnessing a murder. With his nephew being held hostage, Bram must navigate through the criminal underworld to save his family.
In 1991, John Heroux served in Operation Desert Storm, piloting one of forty F16 Fighter Planes sent in to target large manufacturing facilities deep inside Iraq. Looking back on these missions, John explains that pilots, himself included, felt no pride at causing destruction, but did have pride in serving their country and completing their tasks. This is his story.
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