An Honest Liar is a biographical documentary that tells the story of James Randi, a magician and skeptic who dedicated his life to exposing deception, fraud, and tricks in the fields of paranormal, psychic phenomena, and faith healing. The film explores Randi's career and his efforts to debunk fake psychics, channelers, and faith healers. It also delves into his personal life, including his same-sex marriage and the challenges he faced as a homosexual activist. The documentary showcases Randi's famous performances, such as escaping from a locked safe and hanging upside down over Niagara Falls. An Honest Liar is a captivating and thought-provoking film that sheds light on the power of critical thinking and the importance of skepticism.
In '$ (1971)', a group of criminals plan and execute a heist to rob a bank vault filled with money, encountering various obstacles and unexpected twists along the way.
In the year 2026 after a global catastrophe, a smart house in California continues its automated routines. It plays music, tries to combat a snake, prepares breakfast, and deals with a broken window. The house ultimately meets its demise when a nuclear explosion destroys everything.
Follow the journey of the Cassini space probe as it explores the mysteries of Saturn and its moons. Discover the breathtaking beauty of the ringed planet and encounter fascinating scientific discoveries along the way.
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