Made In Abyss is a dark fantasy anime that follows the journey of a young girl named Riko. She ventures into the Abyss, a treacherous and mysterious chasm, in search of her mother who disappeared years ago. Along the way, she befriends a humanoid robot named Reg and together they face dangerous creatures, encounter ancient relics, and uncover the secrets of the Abyss.
Alice wakes up in the Raccoon City hospital after being experimented on and discovers the city has been overrun by zombies. She must find a way out before a nuclear bomb destroys the city.
Contracted: Phase II follows the story of a man who becomes infected with a deadly virus and must fight to survive as the infection spreads throughout his body. With time running out, he must find a way to stop the virus before it completely takes over.
A group of childhood friends gather at a ski resort for a weekend getaway. They soon find themselves being hunted down and killed one by one by a masked killer. As the body count rises, they must uncover the identity of the killer before it's too late.
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