In a world plagued by a zombie apocalypse, an army of undead seeks to destroy whatever is left of humanity. The Umbrella Corporation, known for its creation of the T-virus, is at the center of the chaos. Leon S. Kennedy and Claire Redfield, two survivors with different backgrounds, must join forces to uncover the truth behind the outbreak and stop the impending doom. As they navigate through hordes of zombies, violent encounters, and supernatural horrors, they face extreme brutality and unleash their superhero abilities to fight for survival.
A group of explorers journey to the heart of Africa to find a lost city and a rare blue diamond, but they must navigate dangerous territory and face off against hostile creatures.
The Blacksheep Affair is a 1998 action thriller film that follows the story of a skilled martial artist who gets caught up in a deadly battle between two rival gangs. With its intense gunfights, brutal fight scenes, and explosive action, this movie is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat.
In the Chertanovo area, known for periodic invasions and attractions, the Prince of Darkness himself suddenly appears. He has grandiose plans, but to implement them, he needs the help of his son, a supermarket cashier, who has a lot of questions for his father from hell. The all-powerful Prince of Darkness will have to build relationships with earthly relatives in order to carry out his plans and teach humanity a lesson.
Federal agent Leon S. Kennedy teams up with TerraSave staff member Claire Redfield to investigate a zombie outbreak. Based on the popular video game series of the same name by Capcom.
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