Ideal Home is a comedy-drama movie that follows the story of an extravagant gay couple who have their lives turned upside down after a young boy shows up at their door claiming to be the grandson of one of them. As they navigate the challenges of parenthood and try to create a family, they also discover new insights about themselves and their relationship.
Follows the life and misadeventures of the eccentric fashion designer Santiago Artemis.
A behind the scenes look through the corridors of power in ten of the most opulent and historic royal residences on Earth. We reveal the stories behind the Kings and Queens who lived in these grand homes and uncover the secrets of the architects, engineers and courtiers who brought them to life.
From extravagant underground bunkers to cabins on remote islands. Homeowners discuss what attracted them to such unusual and secluded properties. A round the world tour of some spectacular homes, using drone photography to explore the natural surroundings of each home and 'fly-through' tours of their interiors and secret passages, to reveal what makes them unique. The owners explain why they wanted to live in such an unusual property, and how they found their secluded plots.
The story of a girl who grows up full of dreams, with parents who didn't understand that her mischief hid her intelligence.
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