In Transformers: Prime, a group of Autobots led by Optimus Prime protect Earth from the evil Decepticons, who seek to conquer the planet and harness its resources. The Autobots form a close bond with their human allies and together they fight against the Decepticons to ensure the safety of Earth and its inhabitants.
In 1957, a large alien robot crashes from orbit near the coast of Rockwell, Maine. After being rescued by a young boy named Hogarth, the Iron Giant follows him back to his house and befriends him. However, a paranoid government agent named Kent Mansley discovers evidence of the Giant and tries to track him down. Hogarth and the Giant seek help from beatnik artist Dean McCoppin and try to evade Mansley. Eventually, they are discovered by the military and attacked, leading to a climax where the Giant sacrifices himself to save the town of Rockwell.
In the 22nd century, a group of Autobots led by Optimus Prime protects the Earth from the evil Decepticons. As they battle for control of the AllSpark, the Autobots face challenges of authority, disobedience, and working as a team.
In Transformers: Robots In Disguise (2014), a group of Autobots, led by Optimus Prime, uphold justice and protect Earth from Decepticons using their transforming cars and advanced weaponry. Strongarm, a female Autobot, joins the team and learns valuable lessons about teamwork and loyalty. Together, they face off against Steeljaw, a cunning Decepticon with plans to dominate the planet.
During the war on Cybertron, a spacecraft called The Ark containing valuable items crashed on the moon. In 1969, astronauts secretly explored the craft. In the present day, the Autobots discover a plot by the Decepticons to use the recovered items to bring an invasion force to Earth. Sam Witwicky and the Autobots must stop them and save the planet.
In Mission Stardust, a group of astronauts embark on a perilous journey to the moon, encountering friendly and enemy aliens along the way. As they face challenges and uncover secrets on the lunar surface, they must survive the threat of killer robots and navigate complex human-alien relationships. This space adventure combines elements of action, adventure, and science fiction.
An alien race sends cyborgs — made to look like the son of a famous scientist, whom they killed when he landed on their planet — to Earth to help pave the way for an invasion.
Tōshō Daimos the movie is a side story based on the same mythology established in the anime TV series about a powerful super robot, Daimos and its pilot, Kazuya Ryūzaki. In this movie, the Baam send their giant robot Zeron to battle Daimos.
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