Dallas is a drama/soap TV show set in the 1970s that follows the wealthy Ewing family and their oil empire in Dallas, Texas. The show explores the power struggles, betrayals, and family feuds within the Ewing family, with a particular focus on the intense rivalry between J.R. Ewing and his brothers Bobby and J.R.'s wife, Sue Ellen. The story delves into themes of wealth, power, love, and loyalty, set against the backdrop of the booming oil industry in Texas.
In the midst of an alien invasion, a journalist and his family fight to survive against advanced alien technology and total devastation. Set in Edwardian England, the show explores themes of love, betrayal, and the resilience of humanity.
A story about relationships,secret ones,forbidden ones confused ones and normal ones!!
Set in India, the movie follows a group of characters as they navigate through a catastrophic flood, an epidemic, and a manipulative wife. Amidst all the chaos, they find themselves entangled in a web of love, adultery, and betrayal.
In A Different Loyalty, a journalist becomes entangled in a web of espionage and betrayal during the Cold War. As she navigates love and loyalty, she must uncover the truth and protect her loved ones.
This documentary recounts the difficult choice actress Mary Astor had to make after learning her personal, very intimate, diaries had been stolen. The film tells the story of Astor's 1936 child custody case.
When a wealthy man is found dead in his garden, detective Philo Vance must navigate a web of deceit and betrayal to solve the murder.
In a Prague shop, an assistant has been carrying on an affair with the dishonest, married manager. An emotionally repressed auditor with domestic problems of his own uncovers serious stock discrepancies. A test of loyalties and a questioning of values concludes in tragedy.
Events happening in one single day, a Sunday, in the life of two couples who're in extramarital affairs.
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