Detective Conan: The Time Bombed Skyscraper is a thrilling adventure that revolves around a bomb threat targeting a skyscraper. Conan, a brilliant teenage detective trapped in a child's body, must use his deductive abilities to save the day. As time runs out, Conan races against the clock to uncover the identity of the terrorist and prevent a catastrophe. Along the way, he encounters new love interests, dangerous revenge plots, and a deadly game of cat and mouse.
On the night express train from Los Angeles to San Francisco everyone’s a suspect when a jewelry magnate is found stabbed to death and an escaped killer is feared on board. It’s up to newspaper reporter Jimmy Hawley (Ben Lyon) to unravel the secrets of the motley group of passengers and find the killer before he strikes again in this tense and atmospheric whodunit.
A disparate group of people meet as passengers on a superspeed train crossing the U.S. Aboard are a seductive blackmailer and the stage director he intends to frame, a woman chasing her husband who is running away with the blackmail victim, and the stage director's feisty leading lady.
Rome Express is a 1932 movie set on a train journey from Paris to Rome. The plot revolves around a motley crew of characters, including an Englishman, a Scotsman, and an American movie star. The journey takes an unexpected turn when an art thief targets a valuable painting on board. As tensions rise and secrets are revealed, the passengers find themselves caught in a web of deception, danger, and intrigue. Will they be able to uncover the mystery and outwit the cunning mastermind behind it all?
A murder occurs on a train bound for Shanghai during World War II.
A young Italian, living in Paris with his French wife, is about to become a father. Before the baby is born, Alberto must repay his father for every expense from his own birth until he left home.
In India, a police inspector investigates a murder that took place on a train between Calcutta and Bombay.
Chester Carr, owner of a dude ranch in the Rockies, caters to guests seeking the thrill of the Wild West. Among his guests are the wealthy Spruce Meadows and his daughter Susan. But the West isn't wild anymore and most of Carr's guests are bored and about to leave. He is in despair when a caravan carrying a broke-down-and-out troupe of actors---Jennifer, Judd, Mrs. Merridew and her daughter, Alice---crashes down the hill and wrecks the hotel sign.
Jimmy Bradley, a fireman on the old locomotive No. 99, loves Kate Murphy, daughter of the proprietress of the local lunch counter. His rival, Bat Mullins, is engineer of the new mail train scheduled to make a competition run. When Mullins overturns the new train, Bradley completes the run and earns the contract for his company by delivering the mail in record time on No. 99. A promotion to engineer helps him win Kate.
The destinies of different kind of people encounter in a passenger train that is traveling from Helsinki to the North. One tragedy after the other appears.
Documentary depicting all the various different jobs that go to keep Waterloo Station running, illustrated via the device of one of the porters and his girl going to the local news cinema to watch a film about the station.
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