Problem Child follows the story of a mischievous 7-year-old boy who wreaks havoc on his adoptive parents and those around him. From causing mayhem at birthday parties to pulling pranks on his neighbors, this dark comedy explores the life of a problem child and the challenges faced by his foster parents.
Belle's Magical World is an animated anthology movie that follows Belle and her friends as they navigate various adventures and learn valuable life lessons. From surprising parties to runaway sleighs, Belle and her companions encounter challenges that test their friendships and require forgiveness. With talking objects and magical surprises, Belle's Magical World is a heartwarming tale about love, friendship, and the power of forgiveness.
Mickey Mouse throws a surprise birthday party with his friends, but things don't go as planned when an exploding cake causes chaos.
A mad scientist creates a time travel pill, which two goofballs volunteer to test, transporting them to ancient Egypt as Marc Antony and Julius Caesar vying for the beautiful Cleopatra's love in a chariot race.
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